40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

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40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets – Learn how to choose the perfect wallpaper for your kitchen with these five tips from an interior designer!

Today I’m so excited to show you a sneak peek of the kitchen remodel we just finished! We talk about choosing the perfect kitchen decoration, which is not easy! This project was so much fun, and I can’t wait to show you the whole finished kitchen (

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

). Don’t you just love the beautiful background!? It turned out so wonderful! The client just wanted something light and beautiful, and I think we succeeded!

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We’ve teamed up with Floor & Decor to share five tips to keep in mind when choosing your kitchen backsplash. Floor & Decor is one of my favorite places to get affordable tile for kitchens, bathrooms, and every other area of ​​the home. They have a truly amazing selection of tiles for every budget. Whether you’re looking for tile under $5/sf or under $10/sf, they have something for everyone! I especially like their marble tiles and the prices are better than any other store!

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

To calculate how much backsplash you need, take the length of the surface the tile will be placed on and multiply it by the height of the surface. Complete this calculation for each tile area. Then add up each amount and multiply by 1.1. This is to allow for a 10% overrun in case of broken tiles or odd tile cuts.

It may seem like the only option that seems timeless, but that’s just not the case! There are tons of other styles and colors that can be used for a timeless look that you’ll love for years to come!

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

White Kitchen Ideas That Will Never Go Out Of Style

Truth be told, I really struggled with this when I was designing my kitchen! I almost decided on a subway because I really wanted a timeless look! I absolutely love subway tile, because it’s really timeless, but it’s not the only option for your kitchen!

There are many timeless options for kitchen backsplashes, such as hexagon tiles, penny tiles and square format tiles (to name a few).

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

Timeless Backsplash Tip: Opt for natural stone like marble or slate for a more traditional and timeless look. For example, marble or slate mosaic tiles!

How To Choose The Perfect Kitchen Backsplash

If you’re remodeling your kitchen, costs can add up, so it’s important to keep your budget balanced. While there are certainly areas to splurge and areas to save, I tend to be more conservative with my tile budget!

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

With so many amazing tile options available at great prices, it really doesn’t make sense to dedicate a large chunk of your budget to wallpaper.

At Floor & Decor, there are hundreds of amazing backsplash options available at incredible prices. Even marble tiles can be found for less than $10/sf! Floor & Decor is definitely one of my favorites for finding beautiful tile at a great price.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

How To Choose The Perfect Kitchen Backsplash

Choosing tiles is just one step in the process! Once you’ve chosen the tile you want to use, you’ll need to determine the look, grout size, and grout color.

The layout can be fully customized to make your space unique! You can add a border of a different color or shape, mix and match the colors of the same tile, or play with the offset of the tiles.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

If you know the layout, you can choose a grout color that reflects your personality. Do you want the grout to blend in? Match the grout to the color of the tile. If you want a bolder look, you can add a contrasting grout color.

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TIP: If you do choose a contrasting grout, make sure it matches the tiles you’ve chosen.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

I once tried to use dark gray grout with light cement tiles and the grout bled into the tile and ruined it! Natural stone and cement grout can absorb the dark grout color, so do a small test before grouting the entire surface.

You can also play around with the size of the grout to add an even more unique look to your background. Joint size is usually ⅛”, but can be up to ¼”. Consult your tile specialist about the size your tile requires. If there is wiggle room, you can scale it up or down to make your tile feel unique. Personally, I like very thin grout and always ask my tile layer to use the smallest grout possible.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

Mosaic Backsplashes: Pictures, Ideas & Tips From Hgtv

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been working with a client and choosing a backsplash in the last hour. Since the kitchen countertop is such an important part of the design, I suggest you choose it early and design around it!

This can help you determine the style of cabinet hardware, plumbing, lighting, and cabinet colors! A backsplash is one of the most visually difficult elements in a room, so let the backsplash be the star of the show and let other design elements complement it.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

The size of the tiles will be one of the deciding factors in the overall style of your kitchen. A larger backsplash will have a slightly more contemporary look, while a smaller one will have a more traditional feel.

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I gravitate towards smaller scale tiles like mosaic because my style is a bit more traditional. If you like a more modern look, try choosing a larger scale tile.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

What do I mean when I say “higher volume”? You can see that these two different tiles are the same shape. One is bigger though, which means the scale is bigger.

I also tend to choose a smaller scale tile as I feel it is in keeping with the naturally large dimensions of the work surface. I think this combination works well together. I’m trying to do the same with choosing bathroom tiles (one larger and one smaller).

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

How To Tile A Backsplash

Be sure to ask your installer to seal the tile as needed. Some tiles will need to be sealed before and after installation. Some tiles will only need to be sealed after installation, and some not at all! I also ask my tile installers to use grout that is pre-sealed for durability!

I hope you find this blog helpful as you design your kitchen! Thanks to Floor & Decor for sponsoring this post, I can’t recommend them enough! Let me know if you have any more background questions in the comments below! If you’re thinking about adding a new backsplash to your kitchen or updating an existing one, the many styles of mosaic backsplash offer different and classic options to explore.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

Mosaic backsplashes are a common feature in kitchens because of the visual interest they can add, as well as the relatively low maintenance they require.

Kitchen Color Ideas To Brighten Your Home

Mosaics are generally defined as a collection of glazed glass, stone or tiles arranged to depict an artistic scene or pattern design. The first mosaics date back to around 3000 BC, and mosaics have continued to appear throughout history – right up to their modern use in kitchens, bathrooms and contemporary art and architecture. The pieces of tile used to form mosaics are now available in an almost endless array of styles, colors and materials – and determining the style and material that’s right for your home will be one of your first tasks when planning your mosaic wallpaper.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

You will have many options to choose from in terms of materials for your backsplash. Because of their popularity, mosaic tiles are available in almost every possible format – from glass and stone to wood, plastic and ceramic. Your budget can help define the type you end up going for – stone, glass and premium ceramic mosaic tiles are more expensive, while plastic and most wood tiles will cost significantly less. In terms of colors and patterns, your choices will be almost endless, from simple, staggered black and white designs to multicolored styles with intricate patterns, or arrangements depicting pastoral or classical art scenes. Shapes also vary, from traditional round or square styles to hexagons, triangles and other geometric shapes.

Once you’ve decided on the material you’ll use for your mosaic tile backing, as well as the style, color, and shapes that appeal to you the most, it’s time to get the tile material. You’ll find no shortage of options at your local home improvement retailer, specialty tile store, or online. Once you’ve found the perfect tile for your home, simply measure the area you plan to cover on the wall space in your kitchen to determine how many tiles you’ll need.

40 ++ Best Kitchen Tile Backsplash Ideas For White Cabinets

Ideas For Choosing A Backsplash For White Cabinets

Finally, once you’ve determined the look, feel, and scale of your mosaic masterpiece, and you’ve got the materials on hand, it’s time to install the background. Many homeowners report that mosaic tile is easier to install than other backsplash options, mainly because it is generally configured in large sheets that can then be adhered to a wire mesh or other adhesive backing, which in turn is attached to the wall. This can reduce the need for time-consuming and complex tile cutting, which helps explain the appeal of mosaic tiles among DIY enthusiasts. If you don’t list yourself among the home improvement people,

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